Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cultivating mistakes

Reading a good book by Jonah Lehrer, How We Decide. - it offers good perspective for artists on the importance of making mistakes.
"Mistakes aren't things to be discouraged. On the contrary, they should be cultivated and carefully investigated." and a few pages later,  "Unless you experience the unpleasant symptoms of being wrong, your brain will never revise its models. Before your neurons can succeed, they must repeatedly fail. There are no shortcuts for this painstaking process."
I had a day printing where I pulled print after print that did not work for me, but because I had recently read this book, I took some time to look at what didn't work for me and called it a day of cultivating mistakes. The next day, sure enough, was a better day of prints.


  1. Yes mistakes are good - or as a good friend of mine says - problems are opportunities!! welcome to the blogging world!! peace :)

  2. Thanks Virginia, I have been inspired by yours, I have to figure out how to set up a links column on the side so I can link to you!

  3. So glad to find you blogging, Jane -- great start with these two posts! If you need anything in the way of tutorial (blogging, not art!) - be in touch and I'll be happy to help you.

    1. Thanks Austin,
      I appreciate the offer and will be glad for your advice as I explore blogging. Your blog continues to be an inspiration.
